Dr Vinay Mukhekar

Medical Affairs, Medtronic Diabetes,
Indian Subcontinent
Fellow of DiabetesIndia

Speaker at ASEAN Endocrine Congress, American College of Physicians (India Chapter), RSSDI,
DiabetesIndia, DIACON and other congresses

Swaminathan K, Mukhekar V, Cohen O. Breaking socio-economic barriers in Diabetes
Technologies: Outcomes of a pilot insulin pump programme for the underprivileged in rural
India. IJEM. 2019;23:2, 242-45.

V Mukhekar, I Ahmad, Y Merali, D Aldulaimi. The Application Of A Markov Model For Evauating
Asa Therapy For Ulcerative Colitis. Gut 2014;63:Suppl 1 A73

Shah P, Kovil R, Mukhekar V, Chawla M. Status of Management of Diabetes and Glycaemic
Control in Western Region of India: Analysis of the DiabCare India Study. Presented at RSSDI